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SOTI MobiControl Support


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Before You Begin

If you are not a current customer, please submit a trial request.
To learn about features that have been added in recent versions, please see the SOTI MobiControl Release Notes.
For help during installation, please see the SOTI MobiControl Help page.
If you require further assistance, please email support.


System Requirements

Please note that system requirements have changed as of SOTI MobiControl v2024.0, see the Help page for details.



If you are upgrading from an earlier version of SOTI MobiControl, please read the Upgrading SOTI MobiControl chapter on the SOTI MobiControl Help page. The setup program will automatically backup the existing SOTI MobiControl database and modify it to support the new version.


SOTI MobiControl Device Agents

To download the SOTI MobiControl device agents, please click here.

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